This was the last straw, I always found her difficult to talk to and very little bed side manner. In May I had really bad back pain, I could hardly move. I called to get in so I could get a referral to the spine center, she had previously seen me for this issue. I begged to speak with her or provide a referral, I never received a call back, I kept calling and calling, this was on a Wednesday. She finally called and left a message with my wife that I could pick up some vicodin and muscle relaxers and schedule an appointment for Friday becuase she was out Thursday, she did not tell me to make an appointment with one of her other associates or give me a referral. I saw one of her associates and got the referral, turns out I had a huge herniation in my L4 & L5 vertabrae and had to go to Marin General for a Nerve root steriod. When I finally spoke with her and explained my displeasure she simply said I was expecting to much, she never once asked me how I'm feeling. I fired her and now I se