This company uses shady business practices to charge you extra fees and take advantage of you. I would never recommend them to anyone. Take note that your initial visit DOES NOT count as any of your contracted visits, I was never made aware of that. They schedule you for appointments without your knowledge and charge you for cancelling them, even though you had insufficient notice to try and cancel them per their ""contract"". Their sales men do not know what they are selling, and what the contract terms are. They did not tell me the true terms of my contract and I was trapped with no way out. Don't let them have your account and routing numbers because they will just take your money out. It has been nothing but a fight. And, on top of all that, according to other reviews on here the product they sell is crap. It isn't ""organic"" at all. I will never, NEVER listen to a door to door sales man again. The most frustrating thing about this all is that half of my neighborhood was conned into buying their services, and they are all going to get taken advantage of. $270.00 for 3 visits, and I could have spent $10 on my own spray at Home Depot and gotten the same results. BEWARE!!!