Dr. Bock is long gone, he was an excellent man and Veterinarian. Dr. Kay is a piece of garbage to put it at its best. He will gouge you. He is a poor excuse for a man and should have his license revoked. SoBo Animal Hospital (what they are now called) will charge you for anything and everything at the highest rate possible. I could understand paying top dollar but the Dr.'s aren't even there when some of the procedures are being performed. On surgical days the anesthetics are dosed and given without a Dr. being present which is illegal. They do not know emergency procedures and Dr. Kay has gone through extensive work to have negative feedback on the web removed. Just look at all of the dates on the feedbacks, they are ancient which means he is getting only negative feedbacks and paying to have them removed! I was his manager, he was verbally and physically abusive to me and other employees. As he was to the manager before me, and the ones before him!