Dossett Dental was the best experience I've ever had at a dental office. I am seeing a lot of reviews that are terrible and it makes me sad to see because all I want to do is sing it's praises!!!
I went to the Dallas office and met with the Office Manager there...she was a very pleasant woman. Her name was Fariba, I think...
I can't stress enough how helpful she and the entire staff were in my numerous visits.
My teeth were a very sore and embarrassing subject for me. I rarely smiled and when I did I would cover my mouth without even thinking about it (mostly out of habit).
I made the appointment for the free exam and xrays and Farina came in and was very honest about what needed to be done and all of my options.
I decided to get the veneers because it was something I had dreamed of for years.
She let me know of a program called Care Credit and much to my surprise I was approved. I made my appointment that day for the following week.
I was in and out in a matter of 3 hours with an new set of teeth!!! Granted they were the temporaries until I got my permanent veneers but I already couldn't stop staring at myself or SMILING!
I can't tell you how much my life changed. Fariba CHANGED my LIFE!!!
If she hadn't been so helpful and basically held my hand through each step I wouldn't be where I am today.
I can't thank DOSSETT DENTAL enough...
I have and will continue to refer all of my friends, family and even strangers to this office