They nearly killed my dog!!!
I brought my 13 year old lab/shep mix in late on a Saturday after she became very dixzzy and could not get up. I was told she had Vestibular disease and they recommended I put her to sleep. due to a shift change it was a good hour before I could see her to say goodbye. When I finally went in to lya dowen next to her and hold her, she felt my stress and jumped up demanding we leave now. this was not a dying dog. I told the vet she was not killing my dog. they took me into a room and gave her a shot for the dizziness and took a Urine sample since she had a bladder infection. None of this was discussed with me as a possible reason for her dizziness, yet the wanted to kill her. she bounced back once the infection started to clear and has been fine since. this place is scary. How many loved pets have they killed that were just fine!! Be afraid!! and question everything!!