I came to dislike this office after several bad experiences. I liked Dr. Faber at first then after he sent my daughter to an ENT who treated her badly and I complained, he was almost abusive to my son who had planters warts, spraying him with something on his feet and holding on to them long after he was experiencing discomfort and laughing about it. He told me he had ADD and I think he's nuts. Dr. Serkis didn't believe my son's ankle hurt when he sprained it and made him jump up and down on it and made nothing of his stomachaches, acting like he made them up. Nothing was done for another son who has aspergers and sleep problems. I moved over to Healthly Steps next door after the Faber incident and found that Dr. Serkis was there to my consternation and again was a jerk about my son's issues. I never went there again either.