When I read things like these, I imagine they are written by people mad they didn't get their security deposit back or something. but as I lived here, I can assure you that everything everyone has said is absolutely true.
This business is a dump. From an outside eye, it looks very apealing. For their size and location, these townhomes are very resonably priced.. THERE IS A REASON for this.
The biggest problem is the ""manager"" Collete. She is one of the rudest people I've ever encountered, and will say anything to cover her ass.. And she's the face of the business!!! That should say enough. But to go with this she never knows whats going with the units, doesn't remember conversations you would have with her the day before, or really care at all about the people in the community...
To top it off she's also a complete BASKETCASE! I'm talking, looney toons crazy here.
There were consistant problems the whole time I lived there. Everytime it rained more than a drizzle the basement would flood, which caused a never ending moist basement.. causing never ending moldy walls and destroyed items. Rain would come in doors and closed windows, and they did nothing to fix it. These are things that continue to just make the units worse and worse in the future.
The furnace broke in February on a Saturday afternoon. We werent able to get someone to look at it until Wednesday after calling at least four times. They have an emergency number and it is the same number you would call to schedule to take a look at the apartment. It never gets checked. There are a lot more little things, trust me, I just don't feel like making this post even longer.
Overall, if you want to spend your hard-earned money to be cold, moldy and berated, old towne's the place for you.
If you want a place where you can live safely and comfortably, Look Somewhere Else.