I've been using Boradori Automotive's service since 1999. I have two cars, one I bought brand new from the dealer and Boradori has been servicing it the day I bought it. I didn't even bother taking it to the dealer even though it was under warranty. My other car, I also bought from the dealer and have taken it to them from the point that I owned it.
I just trust Boradori. To me, they are like a doctor for my cars. They keep up with my service and let me know what I'm due for. They know my cars, they know my cars history and what treatment plans they're on. A good doctor is hard to come by! I am a picky person about my cars, and so far they are both in excellent working condition. I have recommended them to my friends.
I do like that they have someone there at all times now, which is very convenient to me!