Run, don't walk to the best place on earth for a spa treatment. Whether it's for a facial, waxing, nutritional counseling, or massage you will be delighted to enter a place of tranquil pleasures.
you are greeted warmly and treated like royalty. As a patron of the Spa you also have access to the gym facilities. Which means, come early to use the ladies locker room where they have steam, sauna and jacuzzi. Or you can stay later and take a relaxing meditation or yoga class!
This is by far the BEST value for your dollar!
Not to mention the professional clientele and talent working at Body Spectrum. Each service provider is highly experience in their field with years of experience. You will sense immediately they are there working because it is their passion and vocation to do so, not just another day or another dollar to make a buck. These are genuine and caring professionals working to make YOU fell better and more alive in this stress filled society. Come in a take a breal from it all.
You will be happy and satisfied that you did!
I worked with Body Spectrum for 10 years. I know what I am talking to each and every one who reads this review. I am proud to have been able to be a part of the Body Spectrum Team.
Jessica Jorgensen L.M.T. 16 years experienced.
Namaste and Peace to all.