I have not seen the younger sons of Dr. Ken Collins so I can't leave comments for them. This comment is for Dr. Ken Collins. I saw him in three years ago for quite a few issues. I have had serious dental issues all of my life. Dr. Collins did several root canals, crowns, fillings and a bridge. The fillings were rough and have since been redone. The crowns were placed incorrectly and the teeth beneath are now in trouble. He broke the file in two of my roots while doing root canals and did not tell me at the time, did not refer me to an endo and failed to complete the root canals due to the fact that he could not get passed the broken files to the rest of the root. This left untreated and unfilled root material to rot inside my teeth and now all are infected. He also failed to see that those two teeth had four and not three roots. Leaving one completely untouched in each tooth. Now, just three years later and out over $12,000 cash, I am having to have fillings replaced, root repair and surgery as well as replacing all the crowns and bridgework. I forgot to mention the eye tooth that he put a crown on and no post so it just broke off one day so I now need an implant too! I feel like his care was shoddy in that he failed to refer me to an endodontist when he realized that he was in over his head. He was unethical to not inform me of the broken files so that I could have sought appropriate care myself. The would have meant less cash in his pocket. All of the crowns are low on my teeth so I can feel the exposed teeth and they are all decaying now due to the poor fitting crowns. Seriously, save yourself the time, money, pain and emotional distress. Let the repairs begin. FYI...I have had three ""second"" opinions of general dentists as well as two different oral surgeons review my case. Five against one. It will take me about 3 years and more than $25,000 to repair all of this.