I can't say enough good things about Arboretum Eye Pros and Dr. Fadel. I had been going to another optometrist (who shall remain nameless) for several years, and they were OK...but why settle for just OK? Now that I've found Dr. Fadel, I'll never leave!
I've worn glasses and/or contacts for about 20 years. I was used to the same old ""eye doctor routine"" and when I went in to see Dr. Fadel, I could tell this experience would be different. Everyone, from the receptionists to the doctor himself, was extremely friendly and knowledgeable. His team of doctors (I've seen two others in his practice as well) are wonderful, too. I feel at ease and valued as a patient at every single visit. I decided I wanted to see if LASIK was an option for me, and Dr. Fadel did a thorough exam before referring me to Austin's best surgeon (but that's another review in itself!). Dr. Fadel has made more than one phone call directly to me to check on me and make sure I'm healing from my LASIK procedure. He really and truly cares about his patients and takes time out of his busy schedule to make sure they know it. If I seem overly enthusiastic about an eye doctor - it's because I am! If you're looking for a new optometrist - or even if you aren't - GO SEE DR. FADEL!!!