To ""Angry Customer 55"": We apologize if any of our staff came across as rude. It is our priority to maintain a friendly and courteous environment. Please keep in mind that we have to bill copays based off of information provided to us by the health insurance companies. In order to make sure there are no delays in processing or problems requiring additional billing, we try to verify all information when a patient feels the copay is incorrect. \r
To ""SEGCHS08"": We are sorry to hear that you feel you had a bad experience during your office visit. Our staff knows the importance of being welcoming and pleasant. Anything less is unacceptable. We also apologize for your wait. On occasion, there are moments when unforeseen situations during patient visits take longer than expected. The doctors do their best to be timely and efficient.\r
To ""frecklefacemom"": We are so pleased to hear that you are happy with the service provided to you by Dr. Hessel and Buckeye Dermatology. Thank you so much for sharing your long term experience with our online readers. For every disgruntled patient, we have 1,000 satisfied patients. We certainly look forward to seeing you again.