I only give this place one star because ""0"" stars isnt available. Yes, this place has great stuff. But the two sisters that run it are horrid, rude snobs that shouldnt be in a position where they have to interact with people on an every day basis. When Kathy ran the business, things were much nicer and friendlier. Ever since her two daughter's have taken it over, it's turned into a shop that many local people avoid just so they dont have to deal with the rudeness. You would think that owning a business would smarten them up at least on a social level - it hasn't. One sister looks like cracking a smile would split her face in two. The other just doesn't have a decent thing to say. Based on my own personal experience and the experiences I've heard from others, I would recommend staying away from this place and going to one of the other many local shops around. There are much better people to do business with here.