I realize this post is a year old, but in case anyone is researching, please know that Goddard in Gaithersburg is one of the best. The educational component starts at as early an age as you'd like, and the care is second to none. \r
We held off moving my daughter from an in-home daycare to a school until she was 3 1/2, wanting to keep her in a home environment for as long as possible. For as much as I loved the family that cared for her, we should have moved her sooner. She wasn't being stretched enough by that age. She clearly had excess capacity at the end of the day, which was manifesting itself in behaviors that puzzled us. She was also shy in large, boisterous groups and we feared that she would never be comfortable going into unknown environments. \r
Goddard changed all of that and put her squarely ahead of many of her peers. Goddard has an excellent program, but Jim and Jill Worley, the owners, are exacting in their standards. Their school has the highest quality ratings in th