I had experienced neck and back pain ever since I had polio in 1954- thats 56 years. I knew one leg was longer than the other , but I thought nothing could be done about it. For years the pain was mainly in my neck and shoulders; sometimes it radiated down my arms. But in recent years the pain extended to low back which made it hard to walk any distance. Climbing stairs was also a problem.
Shortly after I had polio ( the same year) my father took me to a chiropractor who said I had displacement of the atlas. He treated me the old fashioned way, and I did have some relief at the at time. Later I developed very severe headaches but didn't associate them with a chiropractic problem. I took medicine for them but got no relief from the drugs whatsoever- in fact the drugs worsened my overall condition.
First went to a traditional chiropractor and that was helpful. Then a NUCCA specialist was suggested and we decided to try it. Actually, I doubted anything would help because the problem had gone on for so long. The office was clean and cheerful. The message I got was hopeful! I watched an educational video about NUCCA , which was helpful as well. You can never have to much of that- hope itself is a healing influence. I felt better immediately following the first treatment and continued to improve steadily. I could walk further and pain greatly diminished. Now I have very little pain- not enough to complain about.
Yes, defiantly, I would recommend chiropractic to others- it certainly wont do any harm and thats important.