From the experience I had, Coffee Clifton Homes is not the problem. SE Homes plant in Alabama is the problem. They do a poor job of repairing homes that come from the plant damaged or in poor condition. They do not stand behind their product. Homes are poorly put together. The structure itself seems to be good from what can be seen-who knows. But the cosmetics (carpet, paint, floors, trim, etc.) are done poorly. The plant personnel don't seem to care how the home is shipped out - no matter how specs are ordered - they just get it out the way they want it and make repairs later and then they do a poor job of that and then the home office does not want to follow up on the poorly done repairs. If I could do it over, I would not purchase a home from SE Homes. I thought they would be the best from doing research but I was wrong. If they would follow up and make good their empty promises I would be satisfied but as it is - SE Homes does not stand behind their products. The SEHomes com is a snow job. Do not purchase a home from SE Homes, Alabama and Texas. SE Homes manufactures Energy Homes, Southern Estates, Southern Homes and SETexas. SE Homes manufactures homes for LUVs and Clayton Homes also. Poor company in customer service, poor product. The customer service reps are rude and on the defensive, they know they put out a shoddy home. Buyer beware.