By now you all know that you will either LOVE or HATE bikram yoga. You know that it's hotter than hell in there and you will sweat your brains out. Yes, it's true that the instructors and everyone else wear tiny clothes, and that the instructor barks the directions from a podium. (that's the way it's suppossed to be) It is also true they ask you to stay in the room the best you can. Not to be mean, but for your own safety. I practiced at a studio once where a woman felt dizzy, walked out and hit her head and had to go to the emergency room! However it is not true they make you stay in the room. No there is not a lock on the door. I see people leave the room all the time. It's not true that they are unfriendly or unwilling to make special modifications or work with the individual. I recently had knee surgery, and they were more than willing to work with me. Another person in my class had back surgery, and they made special arrangements with her. All you have to do is go talk to the instructor. . Bikram is really amazing! It took me forever to get in the room, but once I started going it has done amazing things for me! Don't listen to the negative Nancy's below. Try it out for yourself, and not just once! Give it a good honest try!