I spent 6 month at LJC. If wasnt for Dr. Rose offering affordable rehab I couldnt have afforded to stay as long as I needed to truely recover. I was a chronic relapser who did everything they told me in AA but still continued to relapse. It wasnt until I met Dr. Rose that I was able to tuely face my fears in life and learn tools on how to cope. I am an extremly sensative soul. I didnt know how to walk through pain & suffering. LJC taught me about sitting still with my feelings good, bad and awful. She taught me how to forgive myself and my parents. I will tell you that I was depressed and suffered a tremendous amount of anxiety. I didnt want to be alcoholic let alone be stuck in rehab. It was only with the comminment of LJC & Dr. Rose that my anger and sadness turned into happiness. I remeber not being able to look a children or listen to music becuase I was so hopeless. Dr. Rose reunited our family and gave my daughter their Mother back. We benefited by the family threapy she provided. I will be for ever greatful for LJC and its staff.