A coworker referred me as well. My son saw Dr. Toland who called my son ""FAT"" to his face several times and told us what horrible health problems FAT kids have. On and on about FAT. He did not offer a single suggestion on how to lose weight, just harped on the FAT word. My 8 year old was very hurt and I was insulted he would say such things to a child. How belittling!
We have since started seeing Dr Joyce at the same office and he is MUCH better. Forget about Tambra, she comes across as a bit rude and incompetent. Dr. Chaganty is OK, but complains about how busy and overworked she is. (Am I paying to listen to her complain??? I just drove almost 2 hours from work to pick my son up from school and get him here!!! Not to mention the wait time in the office.)
I think Dr Toland's son manages the Chesapeake office (they share the same last name) so I try to politely turn down appointments with Dr Toland when he offers.