We've had a number of contractors into the Rosenberg Estate, who came in looking at this place like it was a cash cow. This is an exclusive estate, and we use high end equipment here. When Air Temp Mechanical Services came in, it was a totally different feeling they brought. They were extremely professional and provided outstanding service. They came in and saw a customer in need and wanted to help however they could. They were straight up, and personable.
They were very easy to schedule with. The receptionist was very courteous and kind too. She would call to set up appointments and they always arrived on time and ready to work.
Air Temp went through every nook, cranny and crevice, checked out every screw, nut and bolt before getting down to work. Before Air Temp, there were problems with the furnaces everyday it seemed like, now there's no problems! The Rosenberg's are very pleased too.
Big John M. at the Rosenberg Estate