Used to do business with Dependable Mulch for a couple years, however this year was pathetic at best.
I ordered my mulch a month and a half before I needed it, and made sure I could get helpers to arrive on that day. I set up everything and waitted for their ""12 oclock"" delivery time, yet it never came. I called, they said they would call back, but to no avail. 5 oclock rolled around - still no mulch. So, i called and rescheduled for next thursday where i was promised I would get my mulch. Guess what? Didn't come. They apologized and said it would be delivered friday at 8 oclock, first thing.
What do I do? I make my friends wake up early to help spread and 6 hours later they still have not come. I'm leaving today as they know so I won't have time to spread the mulch before I go.
The company is awful - never returned a call, never delievered my mulch, NOT DEPENDABLE at all.
I hope you reading this will move on from this company, probably the most pathetic low-lifes I have ever seen running a business.