As my mother's dementia condtiion became more than
my family and I could comfortably handle at home, we
once again turned to Clove Lakes Health Care Facility.
My mother was previously a resident after a brief hospital stay and made a remarkable recovery.
However, several weeks later her dementia condition became acute, we again returned to Clove Lakes and have not once regreted our decision.
My mother has been a resident of the dementia unit for
almost one year. During this time we have been fortunate to become one of the Clove Lakes ""family"".
The excellent care my mother receives is due in part to the team of professionals responsible for her care. The dementia unit is truly a special place. The nursing staff is a group of seasoned, caring individuals that know their residents and makes each one feel special while providing excellent medical care. The social workers are there to answer any question or address any concern.The recreation department organizes activities on and off the unit to keep residents engaged.
My family and I are indeed fortunate to have become one of the many families that call Clove Lakes our home
away from home.