Coming to this school was life changing for me! I met great girls and have developed lasting friendships! I really felt like my teachers(Ms.Simon) and staff(Ms.Martinez) cared about me! They really took an interest. This is a SCHOOL and you are there to LEARN! So YES there are rules. But if you do your work and try and give it your all this is the perfect way to get a Skin care education with out having to pay five times as much to attend some other schools that dont prep you for what you need. This school really focuses on making sure that you pass your state boards and actually gives you a mock exam to let you know what you need to work on. And it's great to talk to the seniors of the class because you get to learn from there mistakes or success! They always have guest speakers in so you can experience other product lines and know what options are out there for you. The school also works with Dermalogica so you learn the skin care industries most used product line!! And they take feild trips to dermalogica so you get to experience what they are all about! I seriously can not say enough. I still visit regulary to get advice ask questions and talk about what im doing. Which is great because they always take the time to listen! I LOVE this school, and im on my way to becoming a great skin care therapist because they helped me!