The Body Shop is excellent. Their service is very, very good. It's hard to say how they are when it comes to price, as they just have set rates, and I have no idea about their competition, but I had no problem with it whatsoever. I had to pay a deductible, just $500, and my insurance took care of everything over that, so it seemed right in line as far as part and labor when you totaled it up.
They were very good at staying in constant touch with me. I had a problem, and I needed to have the car done by a certain day, otherwise I would run into problems with the rental car company. My insurance company was slow, not The Body Shop. My wife had gotten into the accident on top of Mount Rose, sliding on ice in a snow storm and running into a rail. I got the car down to them, and they were ready to go, but the insurance company was slowing things up. Apparently they were waiting to get approval from someone in Chicago. Michelle, from The Body Shop, and I both called them day after day so we could get this thing going.
The Body Shop was very good. They gave me a ride and picked me up at the car rental place, which helped out too. They didn't have to do that kind of thing, but they did, and I appreciated that.