I've been seeing Robbert for a while now and up until recently, I've been insistant on the same look. Simple and classic- in other words- boring. Robbert has always given me what I wanted, but has told me I should be more daring with my hair. I never listened... Until now.
I came into the salon last week and was a little down in the dumps. Robbert picked up on this immediately. He sat down and talked with me. I told him I needed to make some changes in my life because I was lonely and felt unattractive, but I had no idea where to begin or what to do. He said, "Well, you are here, so let's begin."
Over the course of almost 2 hours, Robbert took me from brown, one-length hair to short, spikey bombshell blond!!! I still cannot believe it. He talked me into wearing make-up again and going shopping for a new outfit. I took his advice, left the salon and went shopping for make-up and new clothes.
Later that night, I met friends for drinks. They were blown away and could not stop raving about my new look! I hadn't felt so good in years.
But what made the night 100% perfect was getting- not one, but TWO phone numbers from a couple of very handsome gentlemen!! I am still in awe as are my girlfriends.
To those of you contemplating this man, I tell you this, not only will you get a smart and talented hairdresser, but you will be with one of the most compassionate and motivating people that you will ever meet. Its been over a week and this feeling of renewal is breathtaking.