When I first thought about joining the Army, I had no idea where to even begin. My now wife and I talked about me joining, and she thought it was a good decision. Before joining, my life you could say really was nothing. I was attending College America for an associates in graphic arts and I knew I really wasn't going to go anywhere with that. I also didn't have a HS diploma, only my GED. So one day I came into the Powers Army office with hopes of joining the Army. At first I thought it would be a really quick procedure and I would be leaving for basic within days. I then learned that there was actually a procedure to it. I'm glad that I didn't leave as fast as I had thought because I was not in tip top shape prior to leaving. Luckily, Powers Army office took me to a place called LifeQuest that helps train Future Soldiers. My first day at LifeQuest made me realize how out of shape I truly was. If I didn't have the opportunity to attend LifeQuest and also the future soldier events with Powers Army office, then I think basic training would have been a much greater challenge for me. LifeQuest and the Recruiters at Powers got me into good shape and helped me prepare for what was to come. I think that every recruiting office should have these kinds of programs for future soldiers. Whether you want Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, Check these guys out first. Best Recruiting office in town!