My dogs love Desert Dog and so do I. They go five days a week for about 10 hours and they come home happy, tired and ready for a nice evening at home. When the daycare my dog had been going to for 10 years closed, I am grateful to have found Desert Dog. My older dog has been going there five days a week for 2 years and she is in great shape for her age. When she is not relaxing in the sun in the outside yard, she is very active playing with and and bossing around all the other dogs (after all she is a princess). I also have a puppy and when she hit the Desert Dog door, she thought she has died and gone to heaven. She can't wait to get out of the car and into the place and then she dances all over when she sees the people who work there. It is truly a great relief to have someplace safe and fun for my babies to hang out during the day while I am at work. Thanks Desert Dog for enriching my and my dogs lives.