A little later she then called us into the exam room. They were able to remove the kitten that was stuck without major surgery but knew that there was still an additional kitten in her that had died. They than informed us that for her cesarean would cost $1,700, we had $1,000 that we came up with but they refused to work with us. They then gave us an option to either pay the full amount or to sign our rights over to our cat, so they could find it a new home. They felt that we were neglectful pet owners and they knew we couldn?t afford the full fee of $1700. We were forced into signing over our rights to being her owner to save our cats? life, they informed us that if we waited until the next day to take it to a local vet, that our cat may not survive, we did not have many choices. The vet informed us if we were unable to pay they normally would euthanize the cat, but since she was there she gave us the option of signing the cat over and that she would find our cat a home. We loved that cat more than anything and would not want her suffering all night, so we signed the form because they would not operate until we made a decision, a payment plan was not an option. Now the kitten that did survive is without his mother, our other male cat is without his best friend, and me and my boyfriend our without our cat that we love. In my opinion, judgment was passed immediately one us and was decided to take our cat from us, not to act professional and save her life. We never thought it would have came to losing our cat, if we did we would have done things very different. In addition to losing our cat they still charged us a fee of $184, we still had to pay for the exam and the removing of the one kitten. Needless to say, we were very unhappy with the service that we were provided.