Well I'm not sure where to begin. But Jose is EVERYTHING but, those things that reviewer said. I have had the unfortunite luck of dealing with this company and Jose on a few occasions. And he was nothing but polite and tried to be as helpful as possible. Even when my husband became angry and began to yell and scream, Jose remained calm and continued to explain what was needed and how to go about getting our son's car out, the LEGAL WAY. That's the problem with people today. EVERYONE wants things there way regardless of the laws and expects others to break the law just for them. I assume you were not setting a GOOD example for your children when you were demanding that the law be broken just for your bennefit. I'm sorry you had an accident, but you shouldn't expect people to cater to you or feel sorry for you because of it. People like you are what is wrong with this world. Grow up and get a life. Because you can't have much of one if your taking the time to write and complain about someone just doing their job.