Here are my opinions of Dr Singiser as a conscientious patient. My dentist referred me to Singiser, who exceeded my reasonable and customary limits with every procedure he prescribed. My family dentist was surprised at how much Singiser was charging and said another patient complained about being referred to Singiser because of high fees the same week!
I have great insurance; he exceeded reasonable and customary for every procedure. I was referred to another Periodontist with whom I am very happy. Singiser?s charges were DOUBLE that of the the other Periodontist.
I asked him to adjust his charges; he said no. He sent a bill telling me he would send it to collection if not paid immediately. I paid 10 of the remaining $45 charges, with a note that I was protesting his high fees. Today I received a letter from a collection agency even though I made a payment! I have very good credit.
Dr. SIngiser is driving the cost of healthcare to unreasonable levels. Watch out and ask his fees FIRST!