Feeling like I was stuck between a rock and a hard place with my finances, I had to do something to bring in extra money that I enjoyed. If I had to work two jobs then at least one of them was going to be something I LOVED to do. As a child I have always pretended to be a dog groomer and at almost 40 I can now say that I AM one. Animal Arts Academy changed how I felt about my situation financially and how I felt about myself. With knowledge came the confidence I was needing to keep motivated. I became a dog groomer because I love this field of work. Attending Animal Arts Academy has changed my life. Kristy and Kevin were/are the best instructors I have ever had. I love hands on training and this is how they teach. Kristy has an energy that can calm a nervous dog AND build a students confidence at the same time. Kevin really knows each and every dog like they are all his own. They both love dogs and truly treat each one that comes into the Academy like they one of their own.