Dr. Kiran is fine. She's not the most personable dentist, but she's competent. The hygienists range from okay to really good. My main problem with this office -- and the reason I won't be going back -- is their billing system and their insistence on selling me unnecessary services.
Supposedly they check with my insurance before I have any work done, and give me a quote for my portion. I pay my portion upfront, yet end up receiving invoices for additional amounts months later.
This last time, I received a hefty bill about 2 months after my visit. After checking with my insurance company and realizing that they never agreed to cover the work in the first place, I paid the balance on the invoice they sent me and vowed to be more cautious in my future dealings with them.
As it turns out, some of the work the dentist told me was necessary ended up being non-routine and unnecessary according to the insurance company. For instance, they charged me $60 for a ""fluoride treatment"" that they insisted I needed. Not knowing what the treatment was, I agreed to it. It turned out to be a bottle of flouride rinse that I could have bought at the drugstore for about half that price.
But it gets worse. Two months after paying the unexpected invoice (four months after the work was done), I received an overdue/collections notice for an additional amount. This was the first time I had heard of it. I had paid my balance in full two months earlier, or so I thought. There was no explanation of what this additional amount was for, just ""your account is overdue. Pay it immediately or we'll send it to collections."" I'm still trying to hash it all out with my insurance company and their office.
I've now ended up paying out of pocket more than twice the amount they initially quoted me, despite my having (supposedly) good insurance. Don't trust them when they quote you a price upfront. Check with your insurance company first. Or better yet, go to a dentist that isn't so shady.