For over a year I have been looking to find a chiropractor that was knowledgeable, trustworthy, personable and GOOD. I happen to find an extremely qualified chiropractic office in Durham, NC – a long way from where I live. I stepped into Dr Jason Graczyk office on a Sat morning, and found him to be the doctor I have been searching for. He explained to me what he found, in his more than an hour preliminary examination, and what I needed to do to be in a state of less/or no discomfort. It was truly great how he adjusted my spine, shoulders and released the tightness of the muscles that were causing me much discomfort. He gave me specific exercises that I need to do to maintain the adjustments and encouraged me to keep doing my general exercises on a daily basis. It definitely was his ‘healing’ hands that got me up and moving! I live in Tempe, AZ and I have the luxury to fly the friendly skies frequently, so I will be traveling to Durham NC on a monthly basis to help me move more freely and comfortably