I cant beging to tell you how all of these bad reviews are 100% true!! I have personly been cursed out by my ""boss"" I am treated lower than dirt , then im excpeted to smile and help make them money. I work 40 hours weeks to barley pay my bills and have enough money to eat while The OWNERS sit on their ipads, and drink their star bucks, and talk about how wonderful japan was and how nice the house in florida is. I work my ass off to please the parents and children and my bosses, just to be told what I do wrong ,never right, I am never told ""thank you"" or asked what i think. After hours of classes and hundreds of dollars spent learning how to interact with children I am told to ""scrub the BASEBOARDS..and the GUNK ON THE TILE (from the wax!) and SCRUB edges around the carpet"" , ""clean the toilets"". I was even told SEVERAL TIMES TO PICK UP ALL THE TRASH AND CIGARETTE BUTTS OFF OF THE PARKING LOT! ALSO when we were to order shirts, if michelle( the owners daughter who runs everything) likes you, and your SKINNY you are allowed to order a different shirt...but if you are a thick girl, you were only allowed to buy the regular tee shirts.. Quala cares FIRST and ONLY priorerty is MONEY, and always has been, I worked there for 6+ years and I can say the things i have seen, and heard and also the things that were done to me were heart wrenching. they will one day regret their cold heartless ways when they have to finally answer to someone more powerful then them. they preach ""we are family owned, not a corporation."" screw that at least at other chain daycare I would AND NOW DO receive heath care and benefits, and I AM RESPECTED! I CANT BELIEVE THEY ARE STILL IN BUISNESS!!!!! I DO NOT recommend this place to anyone!!!