I could not agree with you more Famof4! Our child has been with this daycare since they've opened. We were promised everything when he started: Spanish, Lego classes, piano classes, gym. The lady that provided Spanish classes went on maternity leave and so the classes stopped. They only recently started back up again because she is back. There are no Lego classes that I'm aware of because everytime I ask my child he says they didn't have them. They basically have them whenever they feel like it, not on a weekly basis as promised. Piano classes? What piano classes?? I don't think my child had piano class in the whole month of January yet! Breakfast, as you said, it's always cold or non-existent. My child is supposed to be learning writing his letters but when I asked for his notebook to see his writings, I was told they couldn't find it and that another teacher that was on sick leave probably took it home! Really???