Four years ago, I landed a position in downtown Houston. My clothing was not up to par and I was never good at clothes shopping: clothes never fit quite right, I had very few accessories, and I was never even close to fashionable! I found Maria online, gathered my courage together, and called; it was the best move I ever made! My closet was fairly bare, so that part was easy. She got to know me and my Mom-on-the-go lifestyle, pre-shopped (so that I showed up at a store and was in/out in a very short time - did I mention I hate shopping?), and color-coordinated outfits - all this on a budget. She has shared her network of friends and associates, making my life much easier - everything from help with buying a vehicle for less to an expert gardener cum landscaper. My sister now comes in from 3 hours away for Maria's help and she is a clothes-horse. I seriously recommend Maria for the difficult-to-fit, seriously discouraged women who just need someone to point them to a wardrobe that reflects their lifestyle!