I just saw a posting review - I was like wow.... That's the same attorney that handle my case over 7 years ago. He didn't file some sort of paper in my case and I've fought the good fight with the credit companies to place my HOME and my HELOC back on my credit report. 7 years plus have gone by now and I've never been late once on any payments (since day 1- I may add) After 2 months of phone calls it was brought to my attention that the debt was never re affirmed. and that the banks can not do a reaffirmation of debt at this time. I learned that the attorney in my case never filed that paper work when my case was presented. I called numerous times to their offices and wrote a letter requesting that he sends a letter to my creditors explaining the situation and for them to put back my home and 2nd mortgage back on my credit report. And as I read the other posts here - They are correct it took me like 2 weeks just to speak to him personally. And I felt like I was the attorney teaching him his mistake in my case and yet he still stated that he did everything correctly that the bank needs to provide this letter. After another week on the phone with numerous bank personnel they all stated that it was impossible to re-affirm or do a re-affirmation of debt letter at this time and this should of been done with my case file and registered with the county's clerks office etc.. etc.. I contacted the offices again and left messages and he never did return my call. I gave up after that. My home and helco till this day does not show up on my credit report as being paid off monthly. It shows up as part of my bankruptcy. (I even tried telling the bank well then I'm free and clear so I'll stop making the payments - the bank laughed and was like- you don't want to do that - we will foreclose on you.) Anyone know anything I don't know or researched on this matter let me know post it - I'll check back here.
Another 99% in Miami