This is one of the worst schools to bring your toddler period! The teachers are in consistent , were they swap teachers from classroom to classroom. They swap kids from classroom to classroom, ya sure when the parent drops the kid off and pick their kid up its the same room and MAYBE the same teacher. But what they don;t know is how many times their kid has gone from room to room. So no consistency that's one complaint. Which for toddlers is a very big deal!... Others are since my child has been enrolled I found out there has been 27+ teachers that just left or quit, my child has only been there for 8 months and will soon be leaving! So 27 teachers in 8 mons, I don't think its the teachers at this point management has something to do with that and I really don't want unhappy employees watching my kid! The owners don't care very much about the child as they do about money, so anything that would help your child learn such as supply's for art or new playground toys or even sand for their sandbox must just be to much to ask...! So I could go on but i think you get the idea. This not all Goddard schools i can't speak for all for they are a franchise and run a little differently other for the money there is a LOT better places for your toddler!