It's a shame no pun intended that Mr. DeFranco and his ""silent"" partner Michelle Nardone have sunk to a new low to try to write reviews about Athletic Egde and the owners! Mr deFranco is an untalented thief from a long line of thieves and his partner is a low life housewife looking to make a buck so she doesn't have to go off welfare and get a job! The staff at AE is amazing and talented my child has learned so much there and looks foward to going every week to class they are honest hard working women ! Bravo to them and the mothers who stood up to these two thieves what those trash forget is that a judgement is good for 20 yrs so Mr De Franco instead of writing lies on citysearch maybe you should try mcdonalds for a job so you could pay your debts cause you days being around children are over you and Trash Nardone are very lucky Fox 5 didn't air the other allegiations but again Fox 5 does extensive research and its legal department only aired FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!! you and Michelle Nardone should go back under the rocks you came out of !!!!!!! youboth have done enough damage to a decent hardworking people like the owners of AE and the families of the girls you beat out of money Staten Island is very small Michelle Nardone does alot fo talking and even the mothers at"" her dance school as she calles it "" are won to her being a thief and a liar !!!!!!!!!!! Hope AE has a lifetime of success they deserve it!