Horrible service. I had a set of struts replaced and within 3 weeks they failed. I had another set installed and all was good for about a year. Started hearing the familiar noise in the front and since I had a coupon for a free 100% inspection from my dealer, I took it there and all they found were that it needed was belts and indeed new struts. I called Car-X and they said bring it in as the struts were lifetime warranty, so I did. They did say the struts were bad but also the balljoints and connecting links were bad, which caused the struts to go bad. I brought the car back to the dealer and had them double check everything again and they found all to be good. The service manager was kind enough to call Car-X and explain their findings but the Car-X Manager wanted nothing to do with it. I am appealing to corporate but not holding my breath. I recall years ago having a muffler replaced and I actually saw a "technician" burning holes in a good pipe in an apparent attempt to get me to r