Dr. Law lied to my wife, his patient. He was later caught in this lie in an email. We were suspicious of other cases of less than honest communication but didn't get any other proof. Dr. Law is a coward, so he lies to avoid difficult conversations. He also proved to have weak integrity. \r
The office is run by his wife Kile, who does not understand how to run a business. Kile moved my wife's appointment and did not give a reason, then canciled the appointment when my wife addressed her concern. This prevented the Post Operative visits that were supposed to be included. Kile was so disrespectful to my wife over a week of avoidance, torturous emails through the weekend, and not answering questions; my wife is sick over it. Kile Law burnt the bridge with Dr. Law before Post Ops were done on a very personal and serious procedure, leaving my wife abandoned.\r
One office staff refused to write down post operative procedures. She told us the advice verbally. We were so shocked when she replied 'No' to our request to write down her advice, we didn't know what to say. We ended up just hoping we remembered everything.\r
Ultimately, Doctor Laws office made some mistakes that were forgivable and some that were unforgivable, but never took responsibility for any of them.\r
I've never seen this kind of insensitive and torturous communication in a healthcare environment. Honestly, I have never been treated with such disrespect by any business.\r
They appear very professional on the surface until the character of the key staff are tested.\r
Women especially should avoid this potentially tramatic experience. \r
It can take years to recover from the painful experience of extreme disrespect and unfairness tied with a medical procedure you have to live with for the rest of your life. Do not subject yourself to that by choosing Doctor Law and his staff.\r
I have never written a negative review online, but I believe this review will save patients and their families avoid serious heartache and inconvenience.\r
Doctor Law is a typical Los Angeles sergion, do not expect Carolina hospitality, sincerity, or honesty when dealing with his wife/office manager or him.\r
Ultimately, very bad people. I just hope they change someday, because their behavior is hurting a lot of people.\r
Ask yourself, do I want to run any extra risk with a surgeon? If this review doesn't scare you away, I can't imagine what would. I wanted to like Dr. Law and his staff, but he and the office manager made me feel absolutley obligated to get the truth out about them.