I took my Staffy Bull in that was in labor and had just produced her first pup that got stuck. After doing everything that I could do (had vet tech training), I rushed her there. They looked at her, took their time getting a quote together and then wanted $3500 for a c-section, but told me that the pups were probably dead. When I told him that I couldn't afford that (a normal c-section is $300 during the day) and started looking at the bill - I could knock about $1000 off for care that I was trained to give. He said NO - my clinic my rules. He wouldn't work with me on price or payments or anything. So that left us no choice but to put her down - which he charged $310 for when its normally $75. He didn't even give her valum or anything else to ease her down, he just gave her the shot to stop her heart. She was in so much pain and was looking at me and crying. So because of his lack of caring, I lost a dog and a litter of pups. To add insult to injury, while he was cleaning up, he offered me low cost spay/neuter if I had any dogs I wanted to bring in. The next day when I emailed him about my concerns and view of the procedure - his response was ""we are not a financial institution and don't accept payments, you have to pay whatever we charge, this is an emergency clinic."" I would suggest not EVER taking an animal there for ANYTHING.