Cage with no canary. The grounds are beautiful at Arden Hills, but are not well kept up (the flowers in the front are not headed and appear brown,i.e., the gardening is not kept up to par, and the locker room is looking dated). But the worst part about this establishment, without question, is the customer service. It is on average so poor that it will be truly shocking for anyone who expects to be treated like a valued guest. The staff members truly have no idea HOW to be cordial, gracious, and accommodating. Some staff members are nice, but nice does not equal good quality customer service where customer satisfaction is the main goal. In addition, the nail salon has one horrific manager who can be absolutely a nightmare toward customers. The place desperately needs outside consult to upgrade the service end of the place. It is not first class in the least despite the looks of it at first glance. If one has not traveled outside of Sacramento and is young, one may be impressed for awhile, but if you are not in these two categories, be forewarned. Arden Hills
""Resort"" and Spa is not exquisite in any way, shape, or from, but rather just passable, for the most part. Hardly a true resort.