In response to Whitela 1's response, I understand your commitment to Dr. Kim and your workplace, but Dr. Kim is clearly not the same man you see as to who we see. My first appointment was yestereday. And He had me bawling my eyes out telling me that there was no reason for me to have even come yesterday because If I had no desire to quit smoking and lose weight, then why try to preserve my life anyways. I explained to him that it is harder to quit then he knew. And I explained many attempts on times i've tried qutting smoking and losing weight. His exact words were these, ""Excuses Excuses. You no come back to my clinic if you still smoke and overweight. I mean it. NO come back if you still do them."" And you know what? I won't ever come back. I do plan on quitting because this walking pneumonia prohibits me from smoking anyways. But I rather pay thousands of dollars in hospital bills then to ever have a so-called-christian make me feel so suicidal as he did to me yesterday. Me and Dr. Kim apparently DO NOT serve the same God. Because My God says to love other. To treat them the way you'd want to be treated. And my God says, ""Ye without sin cast the first stone for all have come short of the glory of God.""