Will not cancel service even after written letter was submitted. Continues to charge. This company does NOT monitor your system contrary to what you've heard. Mine has gone off mulitiple times with no phone calls to check on my family. They state it has to go off for at least 1 minute before they check on you. That's totally not true as mine has done this multiple times. Big time fraud and have taken money for over 5 yrs now. I can put a system in your house and not monitor it if that's what ppl are looking for. This is exactly what you get here. Good luck trying to cancel service with them. Hell I may as well be trying to get out of the mafia. I'm assuming they're in finanacial trouble per Security Consultants and will not have a company to monitor your homes after 10/31/11. Don't believe me call Security Consultants or Fort Knox for that matter. Enjoy.