I normally visit Varji Varji to get my hair done; however my stylist wasnt available and all I needed was a toner on my highlights to bring them just a shade darker. I called Carmen Carmen thinking this was a simple process as I have had assistants perform this in the past. WRONG WRONG WRONG!! I walked out of Carmen Carmen with a COMPLETELY different haircolor. I had medium blonde hair prior to walking in, and walked out with dark auburn hair. WHAT?!!!! The girl who did my hair didnt even show me the final result, she just wlaked me to the front. Not only was it a different color, but there were splotches and areas where she completely missed putting color on. When I called to get a corrective color since I had spent over $1000 in the past 4 months getting my highlights where I wanted them, they scheduled me with another girl. I had a consultation with her, and felt confident that we oculd move in the right direction. Walking out, she tells me I will have to pay the difference of her price and the girl who screwed my hair up' s price. Then the front desk tried to charge me for my consultation!!! I have never EVER been to a salon that makes you pay for THEIR mistakes. I guess that is why I am a client of VArji Varji and NOT a dumpy, classless joint like Carmen Carmen. My hair is a dark brown now, with extremely suttle highlights underneath...so basically I have no highlights. Do yourself a favor and go to a salon that values its clients. This place is a joke!!! I cant believe they are still in business.