I came upon Nacmias and Sons Auto & Collision Repair in Denis Hamill's column. He was highlighting some of the most honest businesses in Brooklyn, and he mentioned Jack. I actually started using them over the garage I had used for years.
My first experience with them was when I brought him a car with a persistent problem. I told him about my experience with the other garage, about how they had never been able to really fix it. He found that it was a really simple problem, and he didn't charge me for the repair. That brought me on as a regular customer.
I have been using him for a little more than 2 years, and Nacmias and Sons' prices are very fair. The service is impeccable. I have never had a reoccurring problem after he has fixed something, unlike other garages. They are comprehensive, thorough, and unusually friendly. Unlike other places I have gone they do not treat me like a money-making machine. I am not just a customer at Jack Nacmias' shop, I am treated like a friend.