I was put on 160 mg. of Geodon by Dr. Shafa of Milford, MA for Bipolar Mania. I informed him immediately of the DEADLY side effects I was having, such as sleeping while trying to swallow food, severe vomitting, not remembering ANY conversations and stumbling during the day, not to mention I was unable to drive or cook. I called him and asked HOW to taper off this drug. He told me to KEEP taking 160 mg. and my body will get use to it. WRONG DOC, bad call. He was mad at me because it's been a year and a half and he has been UNSUCCESSFUL in treating my condition. I had to act on my own immediately. I called my P.C.P. and told him what what happening. He put me on a low dose, 20 mg. once a day to TAPER OFF this DANGEROUS Drug! There's someone that's concerned, my P.C.P. Dr. Shafa schedules 3 patient's every 15 minutes, therefore the wait time to see him is 3-6 hours, SORRY YOUR NOT WORTH IT ! Let your ego go and try to LISTEN when someone is telling you about DEADLY side effects. Someone like you should be PUT OUT OF BUSINESS, maybe that would save a few lives. ADVICE TO ALL: Don't go to Dr. Shafa !!!!!!!!!! He treats everyone the same. E-mail me if you want more information. Remember ""let your own body be the judge""