I was so thrilled when we purchased our nursery furnture and I'm even more happy now that the room is set up! Its been almost 8 years since we bought furniture at this store for our first child, boy has the store changed since then. Its so much larger now, really impressive. Thanks to everyone, you couldn't have been better to work with!\r
And I agree with ""twingirls223"", ordering early is important. Before kids, I worked for a large distributor serving new home builders, and we had an occasional supplier delay. For some reason WE caught the wrath if there was a delay Boy, I can image that the first time preggos must be a tough group to handle if there is a delay :-o Advise from an experienced Mom - your baby may come a couple weeks early and the furniture may arrive a couple weeks late - if you must have the nursery set up before baby - order early. The store can't pull the product out of their hat - don't get mad at them. Just like we told our customers in regards to their new appliances - you need to order early.