I have been a happy member for almost 20 years.
The reason this guy has never seen an animal is obvious, he wants to drive to deer and kill it, just like when he goes to Burger King drive-up! He is just a stinkin' ROAD HUNTER. I bet he weighs 400 lbs! He has copied and pasted his BS all over the internet, all probably from his mom’s basement.
I see game every time I go; just sometimes the game is not where I want to chase it or go down to retrieve it. Maybe he should get out of the truck or take a shower before hunting!
Willow Creek ranch (the one he hates) is one of my favorites. Quail are everywhere, I had 15-20 hogs bolt out of a draw I was hunting 2 weeks ago, I just couldn't get close enough with my bow. If a person was to clear all the cover off that ranch, the game would just go across the road.
This guy wants to change all the rules and everything to suit him. All of those rules were explained to him before he applied just like they were explained to me, AND he got a full copy of the rules to read over for THREE FULL DAYS and if he didn't think he could abide by those rules, he should have withdrawn his application and got his deposit back.
He wants a ""good ol' boy system"" where certain members get special treatment.
He wants Crossbows-weapon of the poacher- nothing is preventing his buddy from using a gun to hunt. It should be outlawed.
There isn't 10,000 members or whatever he claims, I've never been on a ranch with more than 20 members, and that was a 2,000 acres waterfowl property in the Butte Sink with 11 two, three and four person blinds, most of the time it is just my family and maybe one other on the ranch. It is like having your own 12,000 acre ranch to hunt on. I once hunted a ranch in Mendocino County, Big Timber Ranch, 41,000 acres and I was the ONLY PERSON there for 4 days during deer season! It was spooky. I was glad to get a deer and get out of there. The nearest gas/ convenience store was 20 miles away.
As his accusations about poor game management, I guess he never read his member flyers and read about the Wilderness Unlimited Foundation that does nothing but habitat improvement, food plots, water sources, brush piles for quail, wood duck nesting boxes, spawning stream enhancements and education (he likes that part), wufoundDOTorg They aren't going to give him or any other member the GPS coordinates of those spots so they can slaughter the game, he needs to give his lazy butt out of the truck and find them himself.
I guess the worst accusation was about the patrolmen. These guys are the most helpful people I have met. Some of these guys have told me what rock to sit on to shoot a pig! They are just members that trade part of their dues to patrol and make sure the rules are obeyed and keep the non-member out. The patrolman is the last guy out of camp to the duck blind, usually gets the worst spot right next to the parking lot so they can keep an eye on our stuff while we hunt, all so this guy can bitch about them. I have had patrolmen not only help me find game, some have helped me drag out pigs, deer, an elk in Oregon, drove me to Redding to get an alternator belt (60 miles each way), loaned me their truck to go get a water pump for my Suburban and helped me change it near Willits when he could have been hunting, loaned me a spare shotgun when I forgot mine...I could go on and on with all the patrolmen have done for me, without asking anything in return ( yes, I got them a nice bottle of scotch). He complained about the office staff, I have found them to be very helpful. If the person on the phone can't answer my question about a ranch, they have someone from the land department call me when they get in out of the field and back in cell range.
I hope he didn't renew, I wouldn't want to hunt with him. Good riddance! I would take his review with a grain of salt, or more like a bitter pill.